Make Housing Affordable For All Using Content To Start A Movement

The ask How do we educate lenders on how they can help solve the affordable housing crisis?

In order to make housing more affordable and accessible for all, Fannie Mae wanted to better educate their lender audience on how they could do their part, and create better experiences and outcomes for their customers.

Our Answer A content-driven campaign that would inspire real estate professionals to treat the mission to make housing more affordable like a movement.

We launched the Make Housing Affordable microsite, which posed a comprehensive plan for solving the affordable housing crisis. Content on the site would be both educational and inspirational, showing lenders exactly how they could play a part in the mission to make housing more affordable and forge better relationships with their customers.

To drive traffic and engagement on-site, we deployed a targeted 360 content-marketing campaign, including touchpoints in social, digital, sponsored editorial, and influencer partnerships. Along with being active and educational, content was also designed to be highly shareable, extending the reach of the campaign and the impact of its message.

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Results: 4.85k “Fannie Mae Affordable” mentions during the campaign timeframe, for a 185% conversation lift | 5k Campaign Content Shares & 770 #MakeHousingAffordable mentions

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